Lower Mainland Canada Goose Conflict Mapping Project

14.08.11-gooseHow might Canada Geese affect you?

Populations of non-migratory Canada Geese have been established in the Metro Vancouver Region of southwestern British Columbia since the 1960s and 70s as a result of introductions. These populations of Canada Geese may be increasing and can cause undesired consequences for a variety of human land uses that include, but are not limited to: agricultural crop damage; hazards to aviation safety; fouling of grass recreation areas by feces; damage to lawns and recreational areas; aggressive behaviour towards humans and other wildlife; the potential accumulation of fecal coliform in water bodies, including swimming areas; and impacts to estuary habitats.

Read more: Lower Mainland Canada Goose Conflict Mapping Project

Hollies Happy Golf

14.07.14-happy.faceThis humerous video from the Hoilies Executive Course in Port Alberni shows the fun side of the game and what it can and should be about - having fun!  Port Alberni, located in the center of Vancouver Island, prides itself as the "Salmon Fishing Capital of Canada" but this video shows why Port Alberni has also turned out two of the best women golfers in Canada (full disclosure, I'm a resident of Port Alberni).  The Hollies Executive Course and nearby Alberni Golf Club provide great opportunities to learn the game in an accessible and affordable way.

 Watch the video

link provided courtesy Jim Lee, BC Golf Association