8th Annual VIGSA MS Fundraiser
2015 8th Annual VIGSA MS Fundraiser
Professional Development Days and Silent Auction
Royal Oak Golf Club Victoria, B.C.
$125 per person
Wednesday November 18, 2015
2:00pm Art of Application; Beyond Basics
Marie Thorne and Ryan Beauchamp, Syngenta
3 CEC’s Application Technology for Landscape and Dispensers
Attending the Art of Application, Beyond Basics is an opportunity for Golf Course managers to enhance their understanding of spray application management techniques and extract the most value of the pest control products used in an IPM program. This education session will break down formulation issues and provide innovative and cutting edge solutions to improve efficacy. Mixing sequence issues will be discussed through a detailed analysis of the WALES approach. New XC technology will be introduced to improve efficacy of all products being applied in the Canadian market including pesticides, fertilizers and wetting agents.
6:00pm Dinner
THURSDAY November 19, 2015
8:00am Coffee / Tea / Muffins
8:30am Economics and Environmental Considerations for N and P (4 Hours)
Dr. Brian Horgan University of Minnesota
This session will include N cycling, stabilized N sources, soil N testing, phosphorus cycling and impact of fertilizers on the environment. This seminar will summarize decades of research and highlight the intersection of science and public policy.
12:30pm LUNCH
1:00 pm Sustainable Turfgrass Systems (1 Hour)
What is the value of turfgrass and how can we do a better job describing how golf turf is an asset to the urban ecosystem. This seminar will introduce Science of the Green, a research initiative at the University of Minnesota. Science of the Green is built on a set of core principles that integrates science and advances sustainability goals of environmental stewardship, social responsibility and economic viability through innovation
2:00 pm Using Technology to Enhance Irrigation Efficiency and Conserve Water (1 Hour)
New technologies exist that can conserve irrigation water. From the easily adoptable to technologies still in development phases, water conservation strategies will be introduced and demonstrated; they include ET estimators, soil moisture sensors, reflectance sensors and integration through remote sensing platforms.
CEC’s - 6.0 for Landscape in IPM and 2.0 for Dispensers in IPM
Silent Auction Closes at 3:30pm