Turfgrass Field Day 2013 at Oregon State University
Dear Beaver Turf Supporters,
With my first two terms now behind me, I have settled into the turfgrass position very well and am now looking forward to the summer research season. First I would like to thank all of you for your generous support of the program prior to my arrival. Rob Golembiewski spoke very highly of the Oregon vendors and their participation in supporting the program.
I would like to extend an invitation for you to participate and attend the 3rd Annual “OSU Turf Alumni & Friends Weekend” which will only be a 1-day event this year due to an open date on the OSU football schedule. The event will be held on Friday, September 13, 2013 and will consist of an OSU Turf Field Day, Equipment Exhibition and Industry Booths at the Lewis Brown Farm and then a golf tournament followed by dinner at Trysting Tree GC.
The day is designed to provide an update on current and ongoing research at OSU, and provide vendors with an opportunity to showcase their equipment and products. Not to forget the opportunity to catch up with friends, visit the old OSU stomping grounds, and hopefully a day to relax and just have some fun. Funds raised from the event will be used to assist the OSU Turf Program.
This year we are offering vendors the opportunity to showcase their products and equipment with the addition of the Equipment Exhibition and the Industry Booth Exhibition. We will also be offering Silver and Gold Golf Outing Tee Sponsorship opportunities to show your support to the program.
Go Beavs!
Alec Kowalewski Alec.Kowalewski@oregonstate.edu