BC Society of Landscape Architects Soil Science Seminar With Dave Doherty

13.09.23-BCSLA.logoSoil Science Seminar with David L. Doherty, ISTRC
A Focus on Physical Properties and How they Affect the Performance of Your Sports Field

Join us for a seminar on the physical properties of rootzone and how they affect the performance of your installation.  This seminar will examine the concepts of physical properties of sand and soil that are applicable to sports field rootzones.  Attendees will learn how the interaction of air and water works within the soil to support healthy turf.  We will cover the scientific basis of factors affecting rootzone performance as well as provide practical advice on how to make your installation successful.

October 3, 2013 1:00 pm-4:00 pm  (Registration: 12:30 pm)
Hastings Room, Oceanic Plaza, 1066 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC

1.5 IPM Points (pending MOE approval)

David L Doherty, Founder and President of International Sports Turf Research Centre, is a recognized authority on the physical properties of rootzone materials for sports fields and golf greens.  He has 23 years experience in the field and uses cases studies and videos to illustrate lessons learned and successful practices.  

Topics covered are:

• Soil Physics of Rootzones
• Solids and Pores
• Organic Matter
• Water Movement & Irrigation
• Moisture Barriers and Drain Tiles
• Gases/Aerification /Displacement
• Binding Agents
• Turf Types
• Topdressing

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Registration Form

Please return completed form along with payment to the BCSLA office by mail to: #110, 355 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 2G8, by email to office@bcsla.org, or by fax to 604.681.3394. before NOON PDT September 30, 2013. For additional information please see page 1 or call 604.682.5610.

Name / Firm

Address City Province/State Postal/Zip Code

Phone Fax Email

Attendee Names: (for name tags- use a separate sheet if necessary)

________________________________________ ______________________________________

A light refreshment will be served. Please indicate any food allergies: ________________________

Payment Options:

Before September 24
BCSLA Members and Guests   ______ x $15.75 (inc. $1.75 GST) each $____________
BCSLA Retired, Inactive, and Students ______ x $10.50 (inc. $0.50 GST) each $____________
Non-Members     ______ x $26.25 (inc. $1.25 GST) each $____________

September 25 and After
Non-Members & Members   ______ x $26.25 (inc. $1.25 GST) each $____________

TOTAL$_____________ Cheque to “BCSLA” Visa

Visa Cardholder Name Visa Cardholder Signature

Visa Credit Card # Expiry Date (MM/YY)

BN 131999757 RT0001 NO REFUNDS