24th Annual WCTA Silent Auction Raises $5,583!
by WCTA staff
With $14,331 worth of contributions from turf management industry suppliers and service providers, our 24th Annual Silent Auction held during the 61st Annual WCTA Conference and Trade Show at the River Rock Casino Resort February 11-13, 2025, raised $5,583 for turf research projects!
In its 24th year, the WCTA Silent Auction has played a huge role in generating funds for valuable turf research projects supporting professional golf and sportsfield managers in western Canada and beyond. Funding for this institutional research is distributed through carefully developed priorities, is specific to Canadian turf management needs across various sectors and is not the kind of research done by suppliers.
WCTA Executive Director, Jerry Rousseau stated, “Combined with 10% of WCTA member dues and 30% of any annual net profit from association operations, there are few groups who contribute more funding to turf research in Canada than the WCTA.” He added, “If that sounds like bragging, it’s not, but the WCTA is very proud that through thick and thin, our members have remained committed to furthering our industry and their own careers by driving these important and valuable initiatives.”
CLICK HERE for 2025 Silent Auction results
Our contributors:
Allett Canada
Avenue Machinery and Kubota
BC Lions
Bos Sod Farms Inc.
British Columbia Golf Superintendents Association
Chevron Canada (EGO Outdoor Power Equipment)
Evergro Division Nutrien Solutions
Husqvarna Group
MeanGreen Mowers
Old Spaghetti Factory
PrairieCoast Equipment
Robert Kains Golf Course Design
Taylor's Turf Care Products Ltd.
THP - Turf Health Products Co.
Vancouver Whitecaps FC
WTF - Roots & Wings