Optimizing Nutrient Technology for Plant Health and Water Conservation - CEC's Available

Optimizing Nutrient Technology for Plant Health and Water Conservation
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Westwood Plateau Golf and Country Club 3251 Plateau Blvd, Coquitlam, BC

Event Schedule

Building a Foliar Program through the use of Amino Acids, John Gruneisen 

This presentation explores utilizing amino acids to build a complete foliar fertility program. It starts by reviewing what amino acids are and where they started in the industry. The presentation will then go over recent research and explain where amino acid technology stands today. Finally, the presentation will explain how to utilize recent amino acid research and technology to build a complete foliar fertility program.

Understanding the Basics of Soil and Plant Health & How Conventional Practices Affect Turfgrass Disease Susceptibility, Darcy Lepine

Part 1 (30 minutes):
Slide 1: Introduction to Turfgrass Management and Disease
● Text: Turfgrass management involves practices to maintain healthy lawns, golf courses, and sports fields.
● Key Concept: Soil and plant health directly influence disease resistance and susceptibility in turfgrass.
Slide 2: What is pH and Redox Potential (Eh)?
● Text: pH measures soil acidity, while Eh (redox potential) indicates the soil's oxidation-reduction state.
● Key Concept: Both pH and Eh play critical roles in nutrient availability and plant health.
● Graphic: Infographic showing pH scale (acidic to alkaline) and Eh spectrum (oxidizing to reducing).
Slide 3: The Importance of Homeostasis
● Text: Plants maintain homeostasis of pH and Eh to stay healthy. Imbalances can weaken turfgrass and make it more susceptible to diseases.
● Key Concept: Turfgrass thrives when pH and Eh are in the optimal range, but stressors can disrupt this balance.
● Graphic: Diagram showing a healthy plant maintaining homeostasis with balanced pH and Eh.
Slide 4: Turfgrass Stress and Disease Triangle
● Text: The "disease triangle" includes the plant, the pathogen, and the environment.
● Key Concept: Environmental stressors (like extreme pH/Eh) increase turfgrass susceptibility to pathogens.
● Graphic: Disease triangle with labels: Pathogen, Turfgrass, Environment.
Slide 5: Stress Factors Affecting Turfgrass Health
● Text: Factors like drought, soil compaction, and improper fertilization can alter pH and Eh, weakening turfgrass.
● Key Concept: These stressors
Part 2 (30 minutes):
Slide 8: Introduction to Conventional Turfgrass Practices
● Text: Conventional practices, such as over-fertilization, frequent irrigation, and pesticide use, can disturb pH and Eh balance.
● Key Concept: These disturbances increase disease susceptibility.
● Graphic: Illustration of conventional turf management practices (irrigation, fertilization, pesticide application).
Slide 9: Impact of Over-Fertilization on Soil pH and Eh
● Text: Excessive nitrogen fertilization lowers soil pH and increases turfgrass vulnerability to diseases like brown patch.
● Key Concept: Proper nutrient management is essential for maintaining soil health and disease resistance.
● Graphic: Before-and-after chart showing how over-fertilization affects pH levels.
Slide 10: The Role of Irrigation in Turfgrass Health
● Text: Over-watering can reduce soil Eh, creating anaerobic conditions that favor certain pathogens.
● Key Concept: Controlled irrigation helps maintain the balance of pH and Eh in the soil.
● Graphic: Line graph showing the relationship between irrigation levels and soil Eh.
Slide 11: Pesticide Use and Its Effect on Soil Microbial Health
● Text: Heavy pesticide use can kill beneficial microbes that help maintain pH and Eh balance, making turfgrass more prone to disease.
● Key Concept: Reducing pesticide use can improve the soil's natural defense against pathogens.
● Graphic: Pie chart showing the effect of pesticide use on soil microbial health.
Slide 12: Sustainable Turfgrass Management Practices
● Text: Practices such as proper aeration, organic fertilizers, and efficient watering can improve pH and Eh homeostasis.
● Key Concept: Sustainable practices help maintain healthier, more disease-resistant turfgrass.
● Graphic: Infographic comparing conventional vs. sustainable turfgrass management practices.
Slide 13: Case Study: Impact of pH and Eh Management on Disease Prevention
● Text: A study showed that turfgrass managed with balanced pH and Eh had fewer diseases compared to over-fertilized and over-watered turf.
● Key Concept: Practical application of pH and Eh management can significantly reduce disease outbreaks.
● Graphic: Bar chart comparing disease incidence in conventional vs. sustainably managed turf.
Slide 14: Conclusion and Key Takeaways
● Text: Conventional practices can increase turfgrass susceptibility to diseases by disrupting pH and Eh. By adopting sustainable practices, turfgrass managers can improve plant health and reduce disease pressure.
● Key Concept: Proactive management of pH and Eh through sustainable practices is the key to healthy, disease-resistant turfgrass.
Slide 15: Q&A
● Text: Open the floor for questions and further discussion on turfgrass management practices and disease prevention.


Enhancing Turfgrass Health with Microbial-Derived Organic Acids, Dr. Alan Wicks

A. Welcome and Speaker Introduction (1 minute)
○ Presenter: Dr. Alan Wicks, PhD in Plant Physiology from UC Davis.
■ Over 40 years of experience in turfgrass management and soil science.
● B. Overview of Presentation Objectives (2 minutes)
○ Key Topics:
■ Understanding the role of microbial-derived organic acids in soil chemistry.
■ Effects on mineral fertilizer chelation and nutrient availability.
■ Mechanisms delaying chemical fixation of macro nutrients, especially phosphorus.
■ Strategies to enhance nutrient use efficiency (NUE) in turfgrass applications.
■ Environmental benefits, including reduced use rates and increased safety over synthetic chelates.
■ Additional benefits such as reduced salt stress and enhancement of beneficial soil microbes.
● C. Importance of Nutrient Management in Turfgrass (2 minutes)
○ Challenges:
■ High demand for nutrients in intensively managed turfgrass systems.
■ Losses of applied fertilizers due to leaching, runoff, and fixation.
■ Environmental concerns over nutrient pollution.
○ Impact:
■ Efficient nutrient management leads to healthier turf, cost savings, and environmental protection.
II. Organic Acids Derived from Microbial Products (10 minutes)
● A. Understanding Organic Acids (3 minutes)
○ Definition:
■ Organic acids are carbon-containing compounds with acidic properties, commonly including carboxyl groups.
○ Role in Soil Chemistry:
■ Influence pH buffering, nutrient solubility, and metal complexation.
■ Examples include citric acid, malic acid, and oxalic acid.
● B. Microbial Production of Organic Acids (4 minutes)
○ Microbial Pathways:
■ Soil microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi produce organic acids through metabolic processes like the Krebs cycle and glycolysis.
■ Types of Microbes:
■ Bacteria: Pseudomonas spp., Bacillus spp.
■ Fungi: Aspergillus spp., Penicillium spp.
○ Functions:
■ Organic acids exuded by microbes help solubilize minerals, making nutrients more available to plants.
■ Act as signaling molecules influencing plant growth and microbial interactions.
● C. Comparison with Synthetic Chelates (3 minutes)
○ Synthetic Chelates:
■ Common ones include EDTA, DTPA, and EDDHA.
■ Designed to chelate metal ions, enhancing their availability but are persistent in the environment.
○ Advantages of Microbial-Derived Organic Acids:
■ Biodegradable and environmentally friendly.
■ Lower risk of heavy metal mobilization.
■ Support natural soil processes and microbial communities.
III. Effects on Mineral Fertilizer Chelation (10 minutes)
● A. Role of Chelation in Nutrient Availability (3 minutes)
○ Chelation Definition:
■ The formation of a complex between a metal ion and an organic molecule (chelate), enhancing solubility and availability.
○ Importance in Turfgrass:
■ Essential for the uptake of micronutrients like iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), and manganese (Mn).
■ Prevents precipitation and immobilization of nutrients in soil.
● B. Mechanisms of Chelation by Organic Acids (4 minutes)
○ Chelation Process:
■ Organic acids form stable complexes with metal ions through their carboxyl and hydroxyl groups.
■ Equations:
■ Metal ion (M^2+) + Organic Acid (L) ↔ Metal-Organic Complex (ML^2+)
■ Stability Constants:
■ Indicate the strength of the metal-ligand complex; organic acids have suitable stability constants for nutrient availability without excessive persistence.
● C. Benefits Over Synthetic Chelates (3 minutes)
○ Environmental Impact:
■ Organic acids degrade naturally, reducing long-term soil accumulation.
○ Efficiency:
■ Enhance nutrient uptake by roots due to better compatibility with plant physiology.
○ Cost-Effectiveness:
■ Potentially lower costs compared to synthetic chelates.
IV. Delayed Chemical Fixation of Macro Nutrients (10 minutes)
● A. Challenges with Phosphorus Fixation (4 minutes)
○ Phosphorus Dynamics:
■ Phosphorus (P) tends to react with calcium, iron, and aluminum in soil, forming insoluble compounds.
■ Fixation:
■ Processes that render P unavailable to plants.
■ Implications:
■ Reduced fertilizer efficiency.
■ Economic losses and environmental concerns due to over-application.
● B. Role of Organic Acids in Delaying Fixation (4 minutes)
○ Mechanisms:
■ Organic acids chelate cations (Ca^2+, Fe^3+, Al^3+) that would otherwise bind with phosphate ions.
■ Equation:
■ Ca^2+ + Organic Acid ↔ Ca-Organic Complex
■ This reduces the free Ca^2+ available to form Ca-P precipitates.
○ Evidence:
■ Studies show increased P availability in the presence of organic acids like citric and oxalic acid.
■ Enhanced root growth due to better P nutrition.
● C. Benefits for Other Macro Nutrients (2 minutes)
○ Nitrogen (N):
■ Organic acids can influence N cycling by affecting microbial activity involved in nitrification and denitrification.
○ Potassium (K):
■ May aid in preventing K fixation in certain soil types by competing with fixation sites.
V. Nutrient Use Efficiency in Turfgrass Applications (10 minutes)
● A. Importance of Nutrient Use Efficiency (2 minutes)
○ Definition:
■ NUE refers to the amount of biomass or yield produced per unit of nutrient applied.
○ Significance:
■ High NUE means more efficient use of fertilizers, leading to economic and environmental benefits.
● B. Enhancement of NUE by Organic Acids (4 minutes)
○ Improved Root Absorption:
■ Organic acids can increase root surface area and root hair development.
■ Facilitate nutrient uptake by altering membrane permeability.
○ Reduced Nutrient Losses:
■ Chelation prevents nutrient leaching.
■ Organic acids may inhibit nitrification, reducing N losses.
● C. Research Findings and Case Studies (4 minutes)
○ Study 1:
■ Turfgrass treated with microbial-derived organic acids showed a 20% increase in biomass with 15% less fertilizer.
○ Study 2:
■ Golf courses using organic acid supplements reported improved turf quality and reduced disease incidence.
○ Success Stories:
■ Testimonials from turf managers highlighting cost savings and improved turf vigor.
VI. Reduced Use Rates and Environmental Safety (5 minutes)
● A. Lower Application Rates (2 minutes)
○ Mechanism:
■ Enhanced nutrient availability allows for lower fertilizer inputs while maintaining or improving turf quality.
○ Benefits:
■ Cost savings on fertilizers.
■ Reduced labor and application frequency.
● B. Environmental Safety Benefits (3 minutes)
○ Reduced Pollution:
■ Lower nutrient runoff into waterways.
■ Decreased risk of eutrophication.
○ Soil Health:
■ Organic acids support soil microbial diversity and activity.
○ Regulatory Compliance:
■ Meeting guidelines for nutrient management and environmental protection.
VII. Reduced Salt Stress Benefits (5 minutes)
● A. Understanding Salt Stress in Turfgrass (2 minutes)
○ Sources:
■ Irrigation with saline water, use of fertilizers with high salt index, soil salinity.
○ Impact:
■ Osmotic stress leading to reduced water uptake.
■ Ion toxicity affecting physiological processes.
● B. Mitigation of Salt Stress by Organic Acids (3 minutes)
○ Mechanisms:
■ Organic acids can chelate excess sodium ions, reducing their availability. Improve soil structure and permeability, enhancing leaching of salts.
■ Stimulate antioxidant production in plants, increasing stress tolerance.
○ Evidence:
■ Turfgrass treated with organic acids showed better growth under saline conditions compared to controls.
VIII. Beneficial Microbial Enhancement (5 minutes)
● A. Role of Microbes in Soil Health (2 minutes)
○ Soil Microbiome:
■ Microbial communities crucial for nutrient cycling, organic matter decomposition, and disease suppression.
○ Plant-Microbe Interactions: 
■ Symbiotic relationships, such as mycorrhizal associations, enhance nutrient uptake.
● B. Enhancement by Organic Acids (3 minutes)
○ Stimulation of Microbial Activity:
■ Organic acids serve as carbon sources for beneficial microbes.
■ Promote growth of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR).
○ Positive Feedback Loop:
■ Increased microbial activity leads to more organic acid production, further improving nutrient availability.
○ Disease Suppression:
■ Some organic acids inhibit pathogenic microbes.
IX. Practical Application Strategies (3 minutes)
● A. Integration into Fertilization Programs (2 minutes)
○ Guidelines:
|■ Selection of Products:
■ Choose formulations containing microbial-derived organic acids suitable for turfgrass.
■ Application Timing:
■ Apply during active growth periods for maximum benefit.
■ Dosage:
■ Follow manufacturer recommendations; typically lower rates than synthetic chelates.
■ Methods:
■ Can be applied via foliar sprays, soil drenches, or irrigation systems.
● B. Best Practices and Recommendations (1 minute)
○ Monitoring:
■ Regular soil and tissue testing to adjust programs as needed.
○ Combination with Other Practices:
■ Integrated with proper irrigation, mowing, and pest management.
X. Q&A Session (5 minutes)
● Engage Audience:
○ Invite questions on specific topics covered.
○ Encourage sharing of experiences and challenges.
● Address Common Concerns:
○ Compatibility with other products.
○ Long-term effects on soil health.
○ Cost-benefit analysis.
XI. Conclusion (2 minutes)
● A. Recap of Key Takeaways
○ Benefits of Microbial-Derived Organic Acids:
■ Enhanced nutrient availability and use efficiency.
■ Reduced fertilizer application rates and environmental impact.
■ Mitigation of salt stress and support of beneficial microbes.
● B. Final Thoughts
○ Sustainability:
■ Adoption of organic acids aligns with sustainable turfgrass management practices.
○ Call to Action:
■ Encourage turf managers to consider integrating microbial-derived organic acids into their programs.
|■ Highlight the potential for improved turf health and environmental stewardship.



Interesting Characteristics of Peat Based Fertilizer, John Pocock

It’s well known that peat-based organic matter helps build soil structure, retain water, and increase microbial activity, all beneficial characteristics to maximize plant health.  New research, first used in BC 4 years ago, is showing that peat-bound nutrients provide a more natural, even release of micro and macronutrients without “dumping” like coated slow-release products while carbon bonds reduce nutrient loss from leaching and volatilization processes.  

Each homogenous peat-based granule contains all nutrients reducing granular fertilizer inputs by some 28-32%.  The ability for humic sources to "mine" bound up nutrient in the soil, with this process is truly cutting edge.

Nano particle Research/Minimizing Soil Inputs/Water Savings from Si use, Dr. John Dempsey

Part 1 of this session (1 hour) focusses on new technology and research into the use of nano-particles.  A nanofertilizer refers to a product that delivers nutrients to crops in one of three ways.  The nutrient can be encapsulated inside nanomaterials such as nanotubes or nanoporous materials, coated with a thin protective polymer film, or delivered as particles or emulsions of nanoscale dimensions.  Research has shown that this delivery leads to comparable, and/or enhanced levels of growth, turfgrass quality, tissue, and soil nutrient levels, versus applications of conventional NPK inputs with full rate PGRs and surfactants.

Part 2 of this session (30 minutes) will cover worm control (no death, just removal from the treated area) with Si technology.

Part 3 of this session (30 minutes) refers to the use of Si as a water management tool.  The use of supplemental Silica as a fertilizer at very low rates is well known to reduce water usage and improve overall plant health and enhancing the playable conditions for golf, soccer, and other field sports in Europe.


Nanoparticle Successes and Q&A Period, Dr. John Dempsey

Guest Speakers

John Gruneisen - Territory Agronomic Support Specialists for EnP
EnP is the leading manufacturer of soil and foliar amino acid technologies. He is a Columbus, Ohio native and graduated from The Ohio State University with a B.S. in Turfgrass Science and a minor in Plant Pathology. John spent nine years in the golf industry before getting into the manufacturing sector of the green industry, 15 years ago. The entirety of his manufacturing career has been focused on carbon-based fertility. He has been in his role, with EnP, for over 7 years. John is passionate about efficient and effective fertilizer, and loves helping folks create programs that work best for their properties, micro climates, and overall situations.

Darcy Lepine - President at Eco Health Industries
Eco Health Industries is a Canadian Agribiotech Research and Development company specializing in the development and discovery of environmental probiotics and specialty fertilizers. Our goal is to develop technologies that complement and enhance known agronomic and land management practic- es by providing a deep understanding of biological processes and their limitations. We operate a small batch pilot factory in Maple Ridge, BC, welcoming collaboration from related industry parties to further commercialize our discoveries and the prosperity of growers around the world in a both economi- cally and ecologically sustainable way.

Dr. Alan Wicks - Director of Application and Technology Development at LiveGrow Bio LLC
I have 40 years of experience developing economic and practical solutions to crop production problems centered around water quality and use, soil management, plant nutrition and their management on the farm. I work with both certified organic and conventional growers. I have been involved in agricultural consulting and research for over 40 years. This has ranged throughout the western United States, Mexico, and Nicaragua.

John Pocock - Owner of Fertile Peat Products dba ProPeat Fertilizer
John is the owner and distributor in North America for Propeat Fertilizer. Propeat is an innovative eco-friendly product that was founded in South Africa. Renowned for its sustainable fertilizer solutions, Propeat Fertilizer boasts products featuring homogeneous granules that ensure uniform nutrient distribution. These formulations, enriched with organic matter derived from peat moss, aid in soil building, leaching reduction, water retention, and promotion of microbial activity.

Dr. John J Dempsey - PhD BSc (Hons) Independent Turfgrass research, Ireland
I began greenkeeping in the 1980’s and was Superintendent of Ireland’s oldest golf course The Royal Curragh from 1993 to 2019. My academic experi- ence began with basic greenkeeping at the National Botanic Gardens in Dublin, progressing to a 1st class Honours Degree in Turfgrass science at Myerscough College in the UK. In 2016 while still Superintendent at the Royal Curragh, I completed a PhD in Turfgrass pathology at the University of the West of England, Bristol. I have conducted independent research on turfgrass disease management for the past 15 years, covering extensively the subject of Microdochium nivale and Anthracnose infection of turfgrasses, turfgrass responses to pathogen challenge and the effect of phosphite treatments on disease suppression, turfgrass growth and quality. Current work is focusing primarily on biotic and abiotic stresses in turfgrass, integrated disease control and enhancement of turfgrass defence responses. I have presented the results of my research at numerous conferences and seminars in Ireland, Scotland, England, France, Germany, Norway, Canada, Sweden, Czech Republic, USA and at the Golf Industries Show and BTME, Harrogate, UK.

To register contact Dave Duncan at dave@turfhealthproducts.com.