MGSA Scholarships Available

From: Ian Martinusen [] 
Sent: 06 October 2018 12:02 PM
To: Ian Martinusen <>
Subject: MGSA Scholarships

Good afternoon, the MGSA has a scholarship program available to all turf students who meet the criteria listed in the attached document. We want to make you aware of our program and ask that you provide the information to any turf institution in your area. As you may be aware our local Red River College has recently cancelled the Greenspace Management Program; this has now opened the door, so to speak, to allow us the opportunity to provide other students with our scholarships.

Please see the attached document and distribute it as you see fit.

Thank you,

Ian Martinusen
Executive Director
Manitoba Golf Superintendents Association
P.O. Box 55041, Dakota Crossing
Winnipeg, MB  R2N 0A8
Off: 1 (204) 326-3460
Fax: 1 (204) 500-0750