Olds College Campus News
from Jason Pick, Instructor, Turf Management Program
New Olds College Golf Team
Olds College began this year by energizing the Alberta Colleges Athletics Conference with its new 2012 Golf team, filling the roster with nine team members among our turf diploma program students. Managed by golf course management instructors Ian Morrow (Head Coach) and Jay Leach (Assistant Coach), the new golf team was represented through three provincial qualifier tournaments. These inspiring students balanced full time classes with practice and competition, only narrowly missing the qualifying scores at Desert Blume Golf Club for national championships in Oshawa.
We are certain, next year’s team will rise to the occasion, and we congratulate them on an impressive inaugural year. For more information on activities and standing of the Olds College Broncos Golf Team, http://www.gobroncos.ca/index.php/teams/acacms/golf
Provincial Tour: Alberta site visits
Olds College Turf program continued its annual Provincial tours, hosted by Banff Springs, Glencoe Golf Club, Priddis Greens, Dinosaur Trail, and Springbank Links Golf Clubs this fall. We sincerely thank those gracious hosts Bob Burrows, Kerry Watkins, James Beebe, Mitch Davidson, and John Faber who offered their insight into agronomics, course management, and different organizational skills so important to the success of our graduates.
Olds College Site Visit to Priddis Greens Golf Club
Priddis Greens Superintendent James Beebe talks turf with Olds students
Olds College Site Visit to Glencoe Golf Club, Oct 2012
Glencoe Superintendent Kerry Watkins surrounded by what appears to be giant students
Online Turf Degree September 2013
About a year ago, Olds College sent out a national survey to WCTA's golf course superintendents, assistants, and sportsfield Managers across Canada. The survey evaluated interest for professional development and educational opportunities for members in the field. In response to overwhelming interest and support by the turf managers who participated in the survey, starting in September 2013, Olds College will now offer the Bachelor of Applied Science in Golf Course Management as an online degree, concurrent to its in-class delivery.
With your transferrable turf diploma required as a prerequisite to admission, the Bachelor of Applied Science in Turfgrass Management targets managers looking for executive level training in facility and Golf Course management. The online offering offers those same ten courses over four semesters that would otherwise be achieved in two semesters if taken on campus. New courses have been added to the program, geared specifically to trained professionals working in the field. The online offering further provides students the flexibility to study at their own pace, able to achieve course milestones outside their typical employment responsibilities.
Expanding this learning opportunity into a digital environment, the new format also provides students a collaborative platform where they can connect with superintendents and turf manager’s right across the country.
All course material will be accessible by login to the interactive ‘Moodle’ on-line learning system offered by industry-trained, qualified and experienced instructors. Some of the courses offered include; Environmental Management for Golf Courses, Golf Course/Facility Master planning, Plant Environmental systems, Marketing Principles, Human Resources and Project Management.
So, if you have wanted to take the next step in your career but weren’t sure how you could manage the demands of work and school, Olds College may be the answer for you. For more information about the Olds College online Bachelor of Applied Science in Golf Course Management, visit admissions, at http://oldscollege.ca/programs/BAppSc_Horticulture/golf-course-management.html
or contact Jason Pick, at jpick@oldscollege.ca