First Green Feature Attraction at US Open Flag Day
The largest sporting event ever to be held in the Pacific Northwest, the 2015 US Open, begins June 14 at Chambers Bay Golf Course located near Tacoma, Washington. First Green, a school aged kids program for grades 5 through 12, teaches STEM learning, Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, exposing kids to the game of golf by using the course as a learning lab, will be a feature attraction at the Open. First Green was developed in the Seattle area over a decade ago and has expanded into Canada through the Western Canada Turfgrass Association.
June 14 is flag day at Chambers Bay--kicking off the US Open. There will be a lot of activities there and a special event area for youth. First Green will have a large presence at the youth event area with 4 learning labs, information and a 10 x 10 x 10 net for hitting balls. The youth will get score cards and if they can complete all 5 labs (including hitting balls), they can put their cards into a drawing for prizes from the USGA.
Hundreds of volunteers assist during tournament week. David Phipps, Northwest Field Representative for the GCSAA stated, "Superintendent volunteers working on the course will be checking in about noon on the 14th and will be encouraged to come over to the event area by the merchandise tent between 2pm and 6pm to learn about the program. Other event volunteers also checking in on the 14th are welcome to stop by."
The merchandise tent will be open, food vendors, and the sponsors will be there. About 1000+ community people from around Puget Sound are expected to attend. Karen Armstead, First Green Executive Director added, " A lot of folks from Canada are volunteering at the Open and we hope to see them participate in our Flag Day activities. We had a good turnout at our demonstration during the Victoria conference this past spring and want to introduce the program to as many Canadian superintendents as possible."
To view a video on the First Green program CLICK HERE.