Assistant Applicator Site Live July 1, 2016 everyone who applies pesticides in British Columbia needs to be certified or trained (using the Ministry of Environment's online course). The Assistant Applicator training will be most relevant to those in the Industrial Veg. & Noxious Weed, Forestry, Landscape & Structural sectors.

Training for Assistant Applicators

• A certified applicator can still supervise up to four uncertified individuals. However, these uncertified assistants are now required to complete specific training to ensure they can safely apply pesticides.
• Licensees must use the Ministry’s online course and exam to meet this requirement. The course and exam will be offered free of charge.
• Assistant applicators must refresh their training annually.
• Licensees, PMP holders and certified applicators acting as supervisors are responsible for confirming that assistant applicators have completed the course.
• Licensees and PMP holders are responsible for documenting completion of the course by assistant applicators, i.e., the statement of completion.

The Assistant Applicator (AA) site is now live!

For those wish to obtain the Assistant Applicator statement of completion, you need to complete the training and pass an exam.  Please note that the AA is not an authorization but a record indicating that an individual has completed the AA training and passed the exam.