Women in Turf Mentorship Program

by Morgan Creighton, Glencoe Golf Club

With support from the CGSA, Guelph University, and Olds College, I am launching the Women in Turf Mentorship Program as of January 1, 2020. This program was developed to create a venue for young females in a Turfgrass related post-secondary to network and learn from established female mentors in the golf course industry. 

As a mentor you would be available to the student for the duration of their schooling. The mentor would share their knowledge, provide suggestions and opportunities for developmental experiences, act as a sounding board, assist in goal setting, and give constructive feedback. 

As a mentee you would be using the mentor as part of your learning toolbox. You are to take initiative and be proactive in your own career development, to do the ground work for any assignments you ask the mentor to edit, and be open to receiving constructive feedback.

I am looking to compile a list of females in the turf industry in Canada, whether that be Superintendents, Assistants, Techs, Mechanics, and or Industry Affiliates. If you, or someone you know would like to be a part of the mentorship program please contact me, Morgan Creighton, at mcreighton@glencoe.org