BC Ministry of Environment Sends Letters to Thousands of Water Users

By WCTA staff

In the latter part of July, more than two thousand letters were sent to water users in British Columbia’s south coast region, including golf courses, municipalities and school districts.

Similar to the precedent set last year when surface and ground water users were asked to voluntarily restrict non-domestic water use by half, once again, the province was asking for reductions this summer.

Unlike last year, reduction requests were much more general as per the following excerpt from the letters sent by Emily Elsliger, Assistant Water Manager at BC MOE:

"All water users are asked to voluntarily minimize water use and withdrawals for essential and non-essential purposes.  Making voluntary reductions now may prevent or delay the need to restrict or suspend water use later in the season. 

Temporary protection orders may be issued as a last resort if voluntary efforts are not enough to restore water flows and protect at-risk fish and the environment from long-lasting or irreversible harm. 

By working together, we can all be better prepared for a severe drought.  Saving water is everyone’s responsibility, even more so in times of drought. Small changes make a big difference when we do them together."

The letters do not apply to municipally supplied potable water however communities typically issue their own water restrictions depending on local water supply and demand.  

With cooler and wetter weather than expected along with winter on the way, water users can now brief a collective sigh of relief. That is, until next summer!