Olds College Unveils New Program Structure

13.07.30-olds.college.logoBy WCTA Staff

Unveiled to over 300 golf industry personnel during this year's AGSA Property Manager's Conference held in Canmore, Alberta, Olds College’s Ian Morrow explained the newly designed turfgrass education program structure and delivery to be implemented for the January 2015 turfgrass management program intake. 

The new program dramatically redefines turfgrass education, enhancing industry partnerships while offering a strategic combination of learning opportunities that will include residency, directed learning and field placements.  Morrow stated, "We are pleased the new program, designed in-house by our turf management faculty, is able to address many of the issues we faced with our traditional program," adding, "Olds College administration will be watching carefully for potential application in some of its other programs."

Althought the college had recently undertaken an assessment of its horticulture programming due to Governement of Alberta post-secondary education funding cut-backs, Turf Management faculty had already begun working on new ways to effectively deliver the curriculum while reducing opreational costs which were reported as being amongst the more expensive programs offered by the college.


A full description of the program is expected to be released during the Vancouver Conference and Trade Show taking place February 17-21 where Olds College representatives will be in attendance advocating the importance of turf management education and how the new system of delivery will meet the needs of aspiring students.