BCSLA Annual Conference Call for Abstracts, Papers, Presentations, Designs
March 31 – April 2, 2016
Marriott Pinnacle Hotel, 1228 West Hastings Street, Vancouver BC
The British Columbia Society of Landscape Architects (BCSLA) is calling for presentations and papers for the 2016 Conference, Showcase and Annual General Meeting.
The goal of this year’s conference is to examine the influence water has in all aspects of our lives and landscapes and the potential consequences climate change will have in our relationship with, reaction to, and management of water in our landscapes.
Growing demands for water and the ramifications of climate change are having great influence on our relationships with, access to, and use of water in our lives and landscapes. Last year’s water use restrictions in many BC urban areas, with projected tighter restrictions this year, are but one example of the shifting circumstances that landscape architects and other professionals, need to consider in the planning, development, and maintenance of projects, infrastructure, and landscapes. Rising sea levels, floods, drought, shifting weather patterns, depletion of aquifers, increased demand and waste (treatment), competition and/or conflict for access to water, can influence settlement patterns, infrastructure development, industry, commerce, recreation, tourism, disaster preparedness and response…all aspects of our lives. What are we doing now and what are we preparing to do?
• What are the significant developments, and what is happening where you are • What are the issues we are facing in BC • What is particular to your area and why? • What is new and innovative in planning, managing and designing for water? • What role does the landscape architect have in this pervasive issue? • How will this affect the profession of landscape architecture?
The BCSLA Annual Conference is an opportunity for design professionals, practitioners, and key stakeholders, from the public and private sector, academia, and the community to come together to share ideas and projects. We invite all BCSLA Members, allied professionals, and interested practitioners to submit abstracts for papers, presentations, panels, and/or designs related to the Conference theme. Priority will be given to those proposals which address the conference theme and goals. Please refer to the Call For Papers for key dates.