Keep an Eye out For WCTA Member Directory

By WCTA staff

The annual ‘Western Canada Turfgrass Association Member Directory’ arrived at Canada Post on June 3rd and is coming to a mailbox near you soon!

You should receive our annual 56 page ‘Who’s Who in turf’ publication along with the super-duper supplier and service provider directory within a few days.  If not, one of the following likely applies:

1.  You’re not a WCTA member – only individual members receive this valuable resource!
     Corrective action: Join the WCTA by filling out the form at the following link: 

2.  You’re mailing information is incorrect in our system.
     Corrective action: Update your info using the form at the following link:  

3.  Lost in the mail.
     Corrective action: Give it a little more time. If you haven’t seen anything
     by June 21st, let Leslie know at (604) 510-3721 and we’ll get a new one sent.

On a semi-related note, if you haven’t taken care of your 2024 dues yet, there are several ways to make payment - the quickest is giving Leslie Carnell a call with a credit card at (604) 510-3721.  You can also pay by credit card using our online Paypal portal at the following link, an account is not required, or the old fashioned way by sending a cheque to WCTA, Suite #495, 101 - 1865 Dilworth Drive, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 9T1.

If you’re not sure if your dues are paid, can’t find your invoice (sent via email last November), or have any other dues related questions, please let Leslie know and we’ll get it sorted out.

Thanks and all the best throughout the 2024 season!