Annual General Meeting Minutes 2013

12.04.24-WCTAlogo-grassonly.jpgANNUAL GENERAL MEETING
50th Annual WCTA Conference & Trade Show
Penticton Trade and Convention Centre, Penticton, BC  
Salon B-C 11:30 am Tuesday, March 05, 2013    

1.    Call to order
• President Buckner called the meeting to order at 11:32am.
• Quorum: A quorum of 61 was present.

• Necrology Report - A moment of silence was observed for WCTA members:
• Len Heyworth, Superintendent,  Way-Lynn Ranch Golf Course
• Jim Dafoe, Superintendent,  Fairwinds Golf Course
• Martin Moore, Parks Superintendent, City of North Vancouver
• James  Plummer,  Mechanic, Carnoustie Golf Club
• Alec Forsythe, Penticton, BC
• Jack Austin, Irrigation Consultant
M/S/C D. Marr / D. Duncan approval of AGM agenda    

2.    MINUTES M/S/C J. Colyn / B. Kegler approve minutes of the AGM, Sunday, January 22, 2012 

3.  PRESIDENT'S REPORT – Tab Buckner Given orally.  Highlights from Annual General Meeting Report printed in the Turf Line News Vol. 232 March/April 2013.

4. FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 Fiscal Year End (Sept 30, 2012)
a) Balance in bank accounts
• General operating: $16, 590.78
• Research $33,680.91
• Turf Industry Development Fund: $1.00
• Term Deposits (total value $93, 211.28)
• T-Bills: $2,100
• Research: $55, 720.29
• Contingency: $35, 390.99

M/S/C T. Smith / B. Finlayson That September 30, 2012 year end Statement of Revenues and Expenditures be adopted as reviewed by Evancic Perrault Robertson, Certified General Accountants, and circulated at the AGM.
M/S/C S. Mitchell / B. Wick that Evancic Perrault Robertson, Certified General Accountants, be appointed to review WCTA financial statements for fiscal year ending September 30, 2013.

5.    RESEARCH REPORT: Given orally by Peter Sorokovsky.
• The ‘Give me five bucks’ effort raised $700
• Partnered with OTRF, CTRF and NTA : together will be doing approx. $170,000 in research for 2013
• Whistler project – trials can be found on website
• Special thank you to Len Heyworth’s family and friends for donations to research in lieu of flowers


7.  NEW BUSINESS Larry Olson retiring from Board, plaque was presented as token of appreciation

President: Keith Lyall (Sun Peaks Resort)
Vice President: Trevor Smith (Keso Turf Supplies)
Directors with 1 year remaining:
Peter Sorokovsky (City of Burnaby)
Jeff Bennett (Okanagan Golf Club)
Trevor Smith (Keso Turf Supplies)
Dr. Brian Holl (Lamorna Enterprises) resigned
Larry Olson (Penticton Golf Club) resigned

Directors to be elected (2 years):
Mike Schellenberg (Calgary Board of Education)
Jason Pick (Olds College)
Brett Lamontagne (Mid-Island Landscape Consulting)
Brett Finlayson (Arbutus Ridge Golf Course)

Directors to be elected (1 year):
Stan Kazymerchyk (Kwantlen Polytechnic University)
Casey O’Connor (Turf Canada)
Garett Squire (Talking Rock Golf Course)
Past President: Tab Buckner (Township of Langley)
M/S/C P.Sorokovsky / D.Marr motion to accept slate of candidates as presented

9.       PRESIDENT ELECT REMARKS Keith Lyall thanked everyone he has learned from in this industry and stated he is very accessible if anyone has any questions or concerns.

10.  VICE PRESIDENT REMARKS Trevor Smith thanked everyone for attending.
•  Earlier exhibitor meeting, comments about having an all-day trade show with education day(s) on either side of the trade show day.
• Allied Golf Association upcoming symposium

11.  ADJOURNMENT  12:15 pm D. Piller / B. Kegler