Introducing the 2016 WCTA Board of Directors
A record turnout of 206 WCTA members attended the 2016 Annual General Meeting held Wednesday, Feburary 24th at the Whistler Conference Centre in Whistler, BC. An election of WCTA Officers and Directors was held, the new Board is presented below. A personal note from WCTA Past President to outgoing Directors follows.
L-R: Travis Olson, Peter Sorokovsky, Stan Kazymerchyk, Trevor Smith, Norley Calder, Cameron Watt, Jason Pick, Jim Ross, Fritz VerkerkPRESIDENT:
Jason Pick
Olds College
(403) 556-8243
Peter Sorokovsky
City of Burnaby, Parks, Rec, & Cultural Services
(604) 297-4494
Travis Olson
Kamloops Golf and Country Club
(250) 319-4669
Norley Calder
City of Calgary Parks
(403) 268-8484
Stan Kazymerchyk
Kwantlen Polytechnic Unviersity
(604) 599-3295
Frits Verkerk
Gallagher's Canyon Golf Course
(250) 861-4040
Cameron Watt
Redwoods Golf Course
(778) 840-8161
Jim Ross
Prairie Turfgrass Research Centre (retired)
(250) 559-7872
Trevor Smith
Keso Turf Supplies
(250) 320-6411
Jerry Rousseau
Box 698
Hope, B.C
V0X 1L0
(604) 869-9282 O
1-866-366-5097 F
Leslie Carnell
Email addresses are provided for WCTA business and inquires only. Permission is not given or implied to use addresses listed on this website for unsolicitted emails.
Hi everyone, I hope you all made it home safely, had a few days rest and are now preparing for a new season. As Past President I would like to welcome Cam Watt onto the board. Excuse me if I am stealing any thunder Jason, I just wanted to get this done sooner than later.
I am very proud of having served on this board and being part of a very progressive group of individuals that I know will work in the best interest of the membership. It has not been an easy few years, a number of friendships have gone by the wayside, pride and ego may have played a big part of that and we are certainly not through with everything yet. It has been very tiring for me and has left me wondering sometimes if it is all worthwhile. One only has to look at the positive attitudes and outcome of the convention to realize that there is more good happening than bad.
On that note I would like to say that it is time for others to lead the way, there is much to learn from the past and many very good things to work toward. Jerry has been an amazing and dedicated executive director; with help and guidance from the board, he can go on to assist this group in accomplishing many great things. Thank you Jerry! Both you and your staff have truly done an amazing job and you should all be very proud of yourselves.
It is my wish to stay in the background as much as possible, assisting where I may but leaving the bulk of the work to the directorship and staff. That may sound a bit far fetched to you all but I really believe the skills and experience on this board will have no problem setting course and reaching its goals. Of course I may have my moments.
I would like to propose something to you all though. Over the last few days, as I reflect on my career in this business, I realize I have developed a few skills and I would like to stay involved with the AGA-BC for a bit longer and to mentor an individual on the board to take over my spot. This is a very informative group that allows a global understanding of what is going in golf and where the direction of the business is headed.
I would also like to look at the role women play in the golf and sport turf industry. I think it is time the WCTA took a lead in this regard as it is the leader in the business. As I reflected after the convention was over and looked at my own family dynamics, two daughters and two granddaughters, I really began to wonder if there was a place for them in this industry, where would it be and what would it feel like to them. That may sound a bit personal but we have not done much to address the issue within our membership and maybe its time to start. I would very much like to begin work on this if the board feels it is important, you all know my feelings.
Anyway, I look forward to working with all of you in the near future and wish you all a great start to the year!
Trevor Smith
Past President WCTA