Exciting Opportunity - Directors Needed

We are in a state of dynamic change in our association, the Turf Management Industry and the world around us. Change is coming from all directions at all times, from both internal and external sources. The WCTA needs leaders who can manage that change, ensuring the association remains strong and successful moving forward.
Those people are called Directors and their main task is to steer the organization by determining direction, setting goals and creating policies and procedures for the benefit of all WCTA members.
Directorship is a very important role, open to any WCTA member in good standing, and takes some volunteer time and effort. At the Annual General Meeting, Directors are elected to the Board by WCTA members present. Directors impact the future direction of our industry and while doing so, learn a lot that assists their own professional development.
What’s in it for you?
• Networking - meet people from all walks of the industry.
• Professional Development – learn how to be a leader, how to communicate, how the decision making process works.
• Participate – attend events, become a representative of the industry, advocate, find out what’s going on.
• Progress – give back, help solve problems, make the industry better.
• Have your Conference Registration paid for.
• And much more…
What are the requirements?
• be a member in good standing of the WCTA.
• be willing and able to attend, in person or over the phone, up to 9 board meetings per year.
• be willing to learn new areas of the industry.
• be willing to share and exchange ideas for the advancement of all members of the Association.
• care about what the WCTA stands for and commit to two years of service to the Board of Directors.
• be willing to participate in committees of your interest.
How do I do it?
Simply send an email to Trevor Smith, Nominations Committee Chair, at trevor@keso.ca putting your name forward along with answers to the following questions:
1) We often hear members say they didn’t vote for someone because they didn’t know them. Please provide a brief description about yourself in a short paragraph.
2) How long have you been a WCTA member and in what capacity, ie. golf course, sportsfield, schools, mechanic, hort, industry, other?
3) List any previous Board experience you’ve had.
4) Can you provide 2 or 3 ideas on how to improve the WCTA?
5) Any further comments?
We will post candidate names and answers to the above questions on our website and publish in the conference edition of the Turf Line News. If you wish to include a photo of yourself for publication, feel free to do so.
Although nominations can be made from the floor during the AGM, it’s better we receive these no later than January 13th, 2017, in order to include in print. Keep in mind that if we get more nominations than positions available, there will need to be an election which is a good thing!
Thanks for your consideration and please contact me if you have any questions.
Trevor Smith
Western Canada Turfgrass Association 2016 – 2017 Past President
Tel: 250.320.6411
Email: trevor@keso.ca
2017 Election Prospectus:
President: (2 year)
Peter Sorokovsky – City of Burnaby Golf Operations
Vice President: (2 year)
To be named
Finance Director:
Appointment of a duly elected Director
Past President: (2 year)
Jason Pick – Olds College
Director Nominees – two open 2-year term positions:
Travis Olson
Jim Ross
Four Directors with 1 year remaining:
Norley Calder
Stan Kazymerchyk
Frits Verkerk
Cameron Watt