President's Report Sept-Oct 2012
WCTA President Tab BucknerThe weather is a big factor when it comes to growing grass and it often dictates how busy we all are. The last couple months have been decent in western Canada for the most part, and I hope your turf has responded accordingly. I have had a few chances to check out some turf this summer and I was impressed with what I saw.
To begin my report, I’m going to borrow a quote that our E.D included in this years’ Research Report which I thought was fitting for what we all do for a living:
“The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.” — Henry Miller
The quote is especially appropriate because this is the ‘Research Edition’ that includes reports on projects funded by the WCTA, projects that pay incredibly close attention to specific challenges we’re facing in turf management which are often a world of themselves. Researching solutions to turf problems is why the WCTA started way back in 1958 when a small group of greens and groundskeepers met to discuss problems they were having and research is still one of our main mandates today. I’ve found that problems don’t usually go away by themselves and this is especially true when it comes to turf.
In my last report, I listed some answers to questions the WCTA Board needed to address. To quickly review: 1) We will be having a conference and trade show in 2013 that will take place in Penticton March 3-5 2) We will partner with the CGSA on a joint conference in Vancouver in 2014, date to be determined 3) We have signed a deal with the STA that allows WCTA members full access to their programs and services for ½ the price 4) We have partnered with the BCGSA on 5 golf TARS this year and have put on a sportsfield specific TARS at Nat Bailey Stadium with one more planned for Victoria.
That reminds me, thank you from myself and the Directors for all the hosts of the 2012 TARS events and to those who participated. As we transition this program, it’s nice to see strong turnouts and of course, thanks to the speakers for taking their time to provide us an educational opportunity.
Also, congratulations on a wonderful job go to Reed Grosart of Pagoda Ridge Golf Course in Aldergrove, BC. Reed has spent the last couple years meticulously constructing and growing in the course which opened for play August 1st. I had a chance play the 2nd day of being open and was really impressed at a job well done.
I would like to take this opportunity to recognize Viola Freer who like Bob Wick, has been a fixture of the WCTA for quite some time. Viola and her family have moved to Prince George for a new opportunity after having worked with us for 18 years which is longer than many of us have been members! She has worked tirelessly throughout the years and has always been a big part of the annual conference production along with her son Douglas. On behalf of all the members, thanks Viola for your dedication and best wishes for the future.
There are still plenty of questions and challenges for our association that our Board will address and your input is always appreciated. We continue to make progress and will be meeting about the time you read this to catch up after the summer break and review some of our victories over the past few years. Moving into fall we have a lot of events we’re participating in including the CGSA Fall Field Day, STA Field Day and NTA Conference and we encourage everyone to become involved if you can.
To conclude, I wish everyone success through the last part of 2012. I hope you all get a chance to slow down at some point and reflect on a pretty good year. And don’t forget to mark the Conference and Trade Show down on your 2013 calendars – March 3-5 in Penticton.
To reach me, my office email is and my office phone is 604.532.3504.
Regards, Tab Buckner, WCTA President
The 2012-13 WCTA Board Of Directors (From Left To Right): Mike Schellenberg, Trevor Smith, Keith Lyall, Jason Pick, Peter Sorokovsky, Tab Buckner, Dr. Brian Holl, Scott Mitchell, Larry Olson, Brett Finlayson, Jeff Bennett