PTRC Research Update
Several turf research projects are currently underway including:
Fall Application of Nitrogen and Potassium and their Effect on Winter Hardiness
The objective of this study is to explore the effects of both N and K fertilization rates on cold tolerance of annual bluegrass putting greens.
Effects of Fall Shade on Cold Acclimations of Putting Greens
Little information is available on the effects of shade on cold acclimation, therefore, a study has been initiated to investigate the effects of fall shade on cold acclimation in annual bluegrass and creeping bentgrass greens.
Determination of Drought Tolerance of Fine Leaf Fescues and Kentucky Bluegrass Cultivars
In collaboration with the University of Guelph, the PTRC is performing two separate drought trials: a Kentucky bluegrass trial and a fine fescue trial.
Evaluation of Compost Topdressing Applications and Compost Tea Applications on Sportsfield Turfgrass Swards
Currently, there is limited information available on the effects of both compost topdressing and compost tea application, particularly with respect to wear tolerance and overall quality on sports turf. Therefore, two separate studies were initiated in May 2015 to explore the effects of compost topdressing and compost tea applications on Kentucky bluegrass.
The Evaluation of Fine Fescues, Tall Fescues and Perennial Ryegrasses for Sod Production
The series of experiments under this overall objective will determine the viability of using tall fescue, fine fescues and perennial ryegrasses for both sod production and home lawn uses as low input alternatives to Kentucky bluegrass.
Evaluating Various Grasses Grown Under Conditions of High Salinity
Previous attempts to test salt tolerance of grass species along Alberta roadside boulevards were unsuccessful due to poor establishment, so a number of studies were initiated to a) identify the most salt tolerant grass species for use on AB roadsides, and b) examine the effects of soil amendments on germination and establishment of salt tolerant grasses in saline soils.
Evaluating the Effects of Varying Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen Levels in a Sealed Environment
The overall objective of this study is to determine action thresholds by examining the ability of annual bluegrass to survive in anoxic conditions.
Exploring the Effects of Cultural Practices for Weed Control in Municipal Turfgrass Stands
Weeds can be a major problem in turf and can decrease the overall durability of municipal greenspaces. Cultural practices that focus on promoting turf health will aid in the prevention of weed establishment and proliferation. Before taking the project to the field in the City of Lethbridge, a fertilizer rate trial examining the effects of iron sulphate was performed in the greenhouse. The purpose of the trial was to determine optimum rates of iron sulphate application.
For more info, visit the PTRC website.