Construction Begins On New West Kelowna Sportsfield

Published: March 29, 2013 10:00 AM Updated: March 29, 2013 10:32 AM

By Wade Paterson

Chopped trees lined the area surrounding the site of the future Rosewood Sports Field Thursday as politicians announced the official start of construction on the project.

Rosewood Sports Field will be the first full-size soccer facility in the north end of West Kelowna.

"We have a shortage of playing fields in the district, we hear that all the time from the demographic that uses them," said Mayor Doug Findlater.

Read more: Construction Begins On New West Kelowna Sportsfield

Bank Accepts Offer To Buy Tobiano

By Tim Petruk

13.05.23-tobiano.teeAfter nearly two years in receivership, Tobiano appears to have a buyer.

"There is an offer that's been made on the golf course and it's been accepted by the bank," Quentin Granger, Tobiano's general manager, told KTW. "It's two private buyers — one from the Edmonton area and one from the United States."  Granger said it's still early in the process and details — as well as a closing date — are being ironed out.

Read more: Bank Accepts Offer To Buy Tobiano

City of Calgary Decides To Close McCall Lake Golf Course

13.03.12-City.of.Calgary.logoChanges to municipal golf operations underway

February 12, 2013 (CALGARY) – The City of Calgary believes all citizens should have access to high-quality, affordable recreational opportunities – including golf. To ensure the health and sustainability of Calgary’s municipal Golf Course Operations, work is now underway on two fronts:  

1.divesture of McCall Lake Golf Course  
2.develop a revised golf course fee structure  

“Despite many successes in delivering high quality municipal golf services to Calgarians, challenges remain in meeting the financial sustainability and capital infrastructure needs,” says Mayor Nenshi. “The business model Golf Course Operations has been working under the last 17 years is not sustainable and changes are needed to ensure competitively priced golf opportunities continue to be offered to all citizens.”      

The McCall Lake Golf Course will close AFTER the conclusion of the 2014 golf season.   The business operations review identified McCall Lake Golf Course as an opportunity for divesture due to significant operating and capital costs.      

“The divesture of McCall Lake Golf Course is bittersweet,” says Ward 5 Alderman Ray Jones. “While I’m sad to see the golf course close, I’m very excited about the potential repurposing of this site for industrial and recreational purposes.”      

In November 2012, City Council approved Administration to move forward with a McCall Lake Concept Plan. The initial Concept Plan includes potential development of an industrial area and recreational campus with green space connections.      

Potential land sales may provide some capital funding to help address municipal golf courses capital requirements.      

Located within the N.E. quadrant of Calgary with direct access from 32 Street, just east of Deerfoot Trail, the McCall Lake site area is approximately 263 acres.      

“The McCall Lake repurposing vision is to create a place with a unique and compelling identity,” says Mayor Nenshi. “To create an inviting space that will provide opportunities for both work and play in the Northeast.”      

Community and stakeholder engagement will be part of any future repurposing plans for the site.      

Additionally, work is underway to develop a revised golf course fee structure. Stakeholders will be consulted over the summer on potential changes and recommendations presented to Council for their approval at the end of the year.      

“While a revised fee structure will help to move Golf Course Operations to becoming more financially viable, the divesture of McCall Lake Golf Course is critical to addressing capital investments required to revitalize aging infrastructure and ensuring sustainability for the entire municipal golf system,” says Alderman Jones.