US Company Recycles First Artificial Turf Field

12.04.24-fieldturf enviro_green_machineField Turf's Green Machine removes rolls of artificial turf and infillFieldTurf is a company based out of Calhoun Georgia whose goal from the start has been to “...make synthetic turf that is equal to or better than the best natural grass.”

In 2010, the company achieved a first in the industry by recycling all useable parts of the artificial turf system at War Memorial Stadium in the state of Arkansas.

Read more: US Company Recycles First Artificial Turf Field

Spring Training For Fields

12.04.23-ball-fieldBy Mary Helen Sprecher; Reprinted With Permission From The American Sports Builders Association - While the pitcher is kicking at the dirt on the mound, wondering what to throw next, the batter stands in the box in the ready position. And what about you? As a parks manager, if you've done all your work ahead of time, you're probably out dealing with another facility or field–at least for now.

Read more: Spring Training For Fields

TARS Sees New Direction

12.04.23-Riding-mowerjpgThe WCTA Travelling Annual Roadshow has been a successful regional educational delivery program for several years stopping at locations throughout British Columbia. It has always been a free service for WCTA and BCGSA members; other interested parties could attend only needing to cover their lunch.

Read more: TARS Sees New Direction

Choosing Sides In Traditional And Non-traditional Nutritional Products

12.04.24-Connolly.jpg By Jim Connolly - Turfgrass fertilizer traditionally contains one or more of the common 16 elements that are considered essential for plant growth. These elements still represent the core of most fertilizer programs and many golf courses apply only the traditional “elemental” nutrients. But there are a growing number of professional turfgrass managers applying products that contain more than just elemental nutrients.

Read more: Choosing Sides In Traditional And Non-traditional Nutritional Products