2020 AGM Minutes

57th Annual WCTA Conference & Trade Show
11:30am – 12:30pm, Wednesday, February 12, 2020, Whistler Room, River Rock Casino Resort
57th Annual WCTA Conference & Trade Show
11:30am – 12:30pm, Wednesday, February 12, 2020, Whistler Room, River Rock Casino Resort
Any WCTA voting member in good standing may put their name forward for open Board of Director positions. The duty of the Board is to steer the association by providing policy and direction to management and staff. More candidates than open positions will force an election which is a good thing. If fewer candidates come forward than there are Board vacancies, positions will be filled through an election by the Board of Directors.
Read more: 2020/2021 WCTA Board of Director Candidate Profiles
147 WCTA members attended the 2019 Annual General Meeting held Thursday, Feb 21 at the River Rock Hotel in Richmond, BC. With an equal number of nominees for Officer and Directors as there were positions open and no nominations from the floor, the new Board was established by acclamation.
Read more: Introducing the 2019/2020 WCTA Board of Directors
We are in a state of dynamic change in our association, the Turf Management Industry and the world around us. Change is coming from all directions at all times, from both internal and external sources. The WCTA needs leaders who can manage that change, ensuring the association remains strong and successful moving forward.
56th Annual WCTA Conference & Trade Show
11:45am – 12:45pm, Thursday, February 21, 2019, Whistler Room, River Rock Casino Resort