WCTA 2014 Turfgrass Research Update - $500k Milestone Reached


by Jerry Rousseau

A year ago, I stated that the importance of turfgrass research may never have been so obvious.  This fall, the WCTA surpassed the half million dollar funding milestone, reaching $509,927 in turfgrass research project contributions since 1997.  The highest dollar figure in any one year was $53,230 (2002) with an average of just under $27,000 annually.

Read more: WCTA 2014 Turfgrass Research Update - $500k Milestone Reached

Rounds 4 Research Raises $115,000 for Turfgrass Studies

14.07.10-EIFG.logoThe first phase of the 2014 Rounds 4 Research fundraising program for turfgrass studies, run by the Environmental Institute For Golf (EIFG), sold more than 600 rounds and yielded $115,500 in the June online auction. The total was a 7 percent increase over a year ago. The EIFG is the philanthropic organization of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GSCAA).

Read more: Rounds 4 Research Raises $115,000 for Turfgrass Studies