Restricted Entry Intervals (REI's)

By Keith Lyall
A Restricted-Entry Interval (REI) is the amount of time deemed safe to return into an area after pest products have been applied.
By Keith Lyall
A Restricted-Entry Interval (REI) is the amount of time deemed safe to return into an area after pest products have been applied.
Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency has concluded that there are no reasonable grounds to believe that the human health and environmental risks of products containing all forms of 2,4-D currently registered in Canada are, or their value is, unacceptable under current conditions of use.
Read more: Norway, Make up Your Mind or 2,4-D – No Reasonable Grounds
The joint health and safety committee supports the employer's duty to ensure a healthy and safe workplace. The joint committee brings together representatives of the employer and the workers, to identify and help resolve health and safety issues in the workplace.
Read more: Joint Health & Safety Committee Mandatory Training
CleanFARMS British Columbia program to return your unwanted or obsolete pesticides and livestock medications.
The Continuing Education Credit (CEU) tracking program is designed to promote ongoing education toward pesticide certificate renewal and is encouraged by the Ministry of Environment who would rather see applicators engaged in ongoing education to stay current than writing a test every 5 years.
Read more: CEC Tracking Program Member Question of the Month