PMRA Re-Evaluating Tebuconazole

By WCTA Staff
In late January, the Pest Management Regulatory Agency of Canada announced it is undertaking a re-evaluation of the popular systemic fungicide, tebuconazole.
By WCTA Staff
In late January, the Pest Management Regulatory Agency of Canada announced it is undertaking a re-evaluation of the popular systemic fungicide, tebuconazole.
Via BC Ministry of Environment
To reduce the risk of wildlife poisoning, new requirements for the sale and use of second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides are in effect on January 21, 2023.
As reported in March 2022, Health Canada announced their pest management branch, the PMRA, was undergoing a transformation process aimed at strengthening its oversight, its protection of public health and the environment and its transparency to people in Canada.
Read more: Launching the New Science Advisory Committee on Pest Control Products
Recording and reporting information, along with forms can be found on the following BC government web page:
Read more: Reminder - BC Pesticide Use Summary Reports Due Jan 31
The City of Edmonton manages pests such as weeds, tree pests, plant diseases, stinging/biting insects, rodents, and water-borne diseases using a variety of programs. It implemented a restriction on herbicide use on June 23, 2015, with exemptions. Only when necessary is herbicide applied to control noxious weeds, and weeds that would impact safety and enjoyment of our green spaces.
Read more: Edmonton City Council Considers Cosmetic Pesticide Ban