Message from the President - A Unique Conference Season

This winter will be a unique conference season for the turfgrass industry.  With multiple associations producing their own events from November through February, delegates and exhibitors must choose carefully where to spend their education and marketing dollars.  We’ve fielded many questions as to why the two (most recently three) events will occur this year, so let me briefly summarize the history and impact.

Read more: Message from the President - A Unique Conference Season

President’s Message – April 2016

16.01.14-Jason. PickIn my first letter to the membership as President, I’d like to thank you all for attending our AGM and making Whistler an exceptionally strong and profitable event for the association.  Maximizing member, non-member and supplier participation in the conference is a key component to the WCTA’s day-to-day operating formula and we appreciate the great support!

Read more: President’s Message – April 2016

From the President - Final Thoughts

15.03.02-Trevor.Smith.imageIn Past President’s messages, I felt it important to try and diversify the topics and to raise issues that need to be addressed.

As this will be my last message as President, I would like to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the staff and Board of Directors of the WCTA.  This is a group of dedicated and involved individuals from all areas of the golf and sports turf management industry, working together to assist the membership.

Read more: From the President - Final Thoughts